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Welcome to Perfect Industries

You perfect destination to get standard or bespoke Tin Components, Tin Can Components & Tin Can Making Machinery..

Strategically Located

Our company, located in a Sayajipura region of is the third-largest city in the Western Indian state of Gujarat- Vadodara..

Believes In Perfection

As an engineering company whose name even suggests its motto is making great strides in the craft
About Us

About Us

Perfect Industries is a partnership company dedicated to fabricating a product mix of components and machinery. Mr. Farhan Patel along with his partner laid down the foundation stone of the company in 2012 with the motive to meet the ever growing demand for tin products and machinery in the market. Five years and more to go as a manufacturer & exporter of Tin Components, Tin Can Components, Brush In Can Components, Tin Can Making Machinery, and Tin Components Machinery. Our company started with a capital investment of Rs 30 Lakhs and we take pride that we have reached an annual turnover of Rs 92 Lakhs in merely half a decade. We have found overseas markets for selling our products and ship 50% of our produce to those markets.
  • 2012

    Year of Establishment

  • 25

    No. of Employees

  • 01

    No. Of Production Units

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